Our Story

 841 Prudential Drive Suite 150 Jacksonville, Fl 32207 | 904.306.0390 | www.artwithaheart.info | www.facebook.com/artwithaheart

Through these testimonials our mission is affirmed that art heals.
“I never had anything I have made hang up in a frame in an art show before. I am so happy that people will see what I have made.”
-Asima, Age 8

“My Mom said that when I was painting today it was the first time I smiled since I was in the hospital. I could have painted all day and did not want the artists to leave. When I paint, I don’t think about the hospital.”
-Kylie, Age 10

“Painting gives me this relaxed and calm feeling and my emotions can let go. Art is my emotional support during extremely stressful time like the one I am experiencing now.”
-Aaron, Age 17

“The artists (from Art with a Heart) came in and it was truly a blessing because Catie was able to get her mind off her situation as well as her pain. It was truly more powerful than the drugs.”
-Jimmy Carter, Father of Catie, Age 12

“The current year Emily has spent a total of almost six months in the Intensive Care Unit. When the artist enters the room, I can just se her face light up. I can see that she is expecting to have a great time with whoever is there. They will ask, “What kind of supplies do you want today Emily? Would you like to use pastels? Would you like to paint? What would you like to do?” She doesn’t have a choice about the medications or the procedures but she has a choice about art and it makes such a difference.”
-Catherine Warren, Mother of Emily, Age 12

“Over the years, my staff and I have observed the quality, consistency and professionalism of Art with a Heart’s staff. The team interacts well with our children, their parents and caregivers, and our extensive clinical team. In addition to providing patients and their families with exposure to art and unique opportunities to work with professional artists, Art with a Heart artists establish relationships that complement and extend those of our clinicians. Art with a Heart is an organization that provides concrete benefits to the hospital. Our facility is filled with artwork created by patients motivated to transcend their circumstances and express what cannot be conveyed in mere words. Equally important, Art with a Heart gives children opportunities to interact with other patients, staff and artists in a non-threatening way. The program encourages kids to be kids in a challenging environment.”
-Carolyn Johnson, V.P. , Patient Care Services at Wolfson Children’s Hospital